30 June 2024

Females of Heliocypha biforata, Heliocypha perforata and Aristocypha fenestrella

Aristocypha fenestrella, Heliocypha biforata and Heliocypha perforata are found in Peninsular Malaysia. The size of  these species is not much different from each other. The males of these species  are easily told apart by the coloration of their body. On the other hand, the females have quite similar coloration. However, they can be distinguished by the yellow marking of their bodies (see the below photos).


Agriocnemis pygmaea - Female

Agriocnemis pygmaea - female (matured)
Hutan Lipur Jeram Linang, Terengganu

Agriocnemis pygmaea - female (immatured)
Hutan Lipur Jeram Linang, Terengganu

25 June 2024

18 June 2024

15 June 2024

Pseudagrion australasiae - Submerged Oviposition

I have seen underwater oviposition of Pseudagrion australasiae on a few occasions. The female totally submerges into water for oviposition. At the beginning of the oviposition, the male is attached to the female while the female retreats slowly down into the water. Later on, the male is detached from the female, leaving the female in the water. However, the male guards above the water throughout the whole process of underwater oviposition of the female. The underwater duration for the female may last for more than 10 minutes.

Pseudagrion australasiae - oviposition
UKM Bangi, Selangor


Dragonflies and Damselflies of Tasik Ghazali UKM - II

I visited again Tasik Ghazali for dragonfly watching on 15 June 2024 (10 am - 3 pm). I managed to add two additional species (Pseudagrion australasiae and Prodasineura humeralis) to the species list for Tasik Ghazali. The story of the previous visit of Tasik Ghazali can be viewed here

Here is the updated species list for Tasik Ghazali:

Family Platycnemididae
Copera marginipes
Copera vittata
Onychargia atrocyana
Prodasineura humeralis
Pseudocopera ciliata

Family Coenagrionidae
Agriocnemis femina
Argiocnemis rubescens
Ceriagrion cerinorubellum
Pseudagrion australasiae
Pseudagrion microcephalum
Pseudagrion rubriceps

Family Gomphidae
Ictinogomphus decoratus

Family Macromiidae
Epophthalmia vittigera

Family Libellulidae
Acisoma panorpoides
Aethriamanta gracilis
Brachydiplax chalybea
Brachythemis contaminata
Hydrobasileus croceus
Neurothemis fluctuans
Orthetrum sabina 
Orthetrum testaceum
Pseudothemis jorina
Rhodothemis rufa
Rhyothemis aterrima
Rhyothemis phyllis
Rhyothemis triangularis
Tetrathemis hyalina
Tholymis tillarga
Tramae transmarina
Trithemis aurora
Tyriobapta torrida
Urothemis signata
Zyxomma petiolatum

Here are some of the Odonata photos taken at Tasik Ghazali on 15 June 2024:

Hydrobasileus croceus - male

Rhyothemis phyllis - male

Tramea transmarina - male

Prodasineura humeralis - male

Pseudagrion australasiae - male

Pseudagrion rubriceps - male

14 June 2024

Indothemis carnatica

Indothemis carnatica - male
UKM Bangi, Selangor

Indothemis carnatica - female
UKM Bangi, Selangor

13 June 2024

Agriocnemis femina

Agriocnemis femina 
a young male and a young female
the parting of a male and a female after copulation
UKM Bangi, Selangor

Drepanosticta actaeon

Drepanosticta actaeon - male
Imbak Canyon, Sabah


11 June 2024

Dragonflies and Damselflies of Tasik Ghazali UKM

Tasik Ghazali in Campus Bangi Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (N2°55’19” E101°46’54”) is a good site for dragonfly watching. The small lake is located by the road side. You may click here to see a video of Tasik Ghazali produced by UKM. I did a field survey at the site to record the dragonflies/damselflies at Tasik Ghazali on 9 June 2024. I managed to record 31 species on that day (from 10 am to 7 pm). 

Tasik Ghazali
photo taken on 9 June 2024

This video shows the surrounding area of Tasik Ghazali. This video was taken on 9 June 2024.

Here are dragonfly/damselfly species recorded at Tasik Ghazali on 9 June 2024:

Family Platycnemididae
Copera marginipes
Copera vittata
Onychargia atrocyana
Pseudocopera ciliata
Family Coenagrionidae
Agriocnemis femina
Argiocnemis rubescens
Ceriagrion cerinorubellum
Pseudagrion microcephalum
Pseudagrion rubriceps
Family Gomphidae
Ictinogomphus decoratus
Family Macromiidae
Epophthalmia vittigera
Family Libellulidae
Acisoma panorpoides
Aethriamanta gracilis
Brachydiplax chalybea
Brachythemis contaminata
Hydrobasileus croceus
Neurothemis fluctuans
Orthetrum sabina 
Orthetrum testaceum
Pseudothemis jorina
Rhodothemis rufa
Rhyothemis aterrima
Rhyothemis phyllis
Rhyothemis triangularis
Tetrathemis hyalina
Tholymis tillarga
Tramae transmarina
Trithemis aurora
Tyriobapta torrida
Urothemis signata
Zyxomma petiolatum

Here are some of the dragonfly/damselfly photos taken at Tasik Ghazali on 9 June 2024:

Agriocnemis femina (male)

Argiocnemis rubescens (male)

Ceriagrion cerinorubellum (male)

Copera marginipes (male)

Copera vittata (male)

Onychargia atrocyana (mating pair)

Pseudagrion microcephalum (male)

Pseudagrion rubriceps (female)

Pseudocopera ciliata (female)

Acisoma panorpoides (female)

Aethriamanta gracilis (male)

Brachydiplax chalybea (male)

Brachythemis contaminata (male)

Ictinogomphus decoratus (male)

Neurothemis fluctuans (male)

Orthetrum testaceum (male)

Pseudothemis jorina (male)

Rhodothemis rufa (male)

Rhyothemis aterrima (male)

Rhyothemis triangularis (male)

Tetrathemis hyalina (male)

Tholymis tillarga (male)

Tyriobapta torrida (male)

Urothemis signata (male)

Zyxomma petiolatum (male)